GSI 48 Series - Universal input - Panel mounting

Detail Universal input – Panel mounting
  Process indicator for analogue signals. Displaying a process, temperature, load cell or potentiometer signal in engineering units.
Mounting: 48x96mn panel
Input: Process, RTD100, Thermocouple
Display:  4.5 digits
Supply: 10-70 Vdc and 21-53 Vac or 85-260 Vac and 100-300 Vdc
Options: » Alarms (2x, 4x)
  » 4…20mA output
  » Workshop configuration with test report
Input Displayed in 0.1° Displayed in 1°
TC type J -50.0 to +200.0°C -50 to +800°C
TC type J -58.0 to +392.0°F -58.0 to +1472.0°F
TC type K -50.0 to +200.0°C -50 to +1200°C
TC type K -58.0 to +392.0°F -58.0 to +2192.0°F
TC type T -100.0 to +100.0°C -150 to +400°C
TC type T -100.0 to +212.0°F 302.0 to +752.0°F
RTD100 -100.0 to +200.0°C -302.0 to +752.0°F
RTD101 -148.0 to +392.0°F -100 to +800°C
    -148.0 to +1472.0°F